Thursday 20 November 2008

That woman again...

So, having preached about this woman who confronts Jesus and his mission, the next day I was similarly confronted. I received a 'phone call from a person who asked to use one of my churches. 'No problem' says I and I then begin to say when I can take the service. The caller stops me and explains that they want to take the service without me. I was a little taken aback and explained that I had a policy that I would conduct all such services in (my) church. This was a hard thing for this person to hear, especially when they were in a highly charged emotional state. I sympathised and suggested some other places they could call to have their service.
As I put the 'phone down, my wife looked at me and reminded me of the sermon I had preached (thank God for wives!) and that I had actually said that Jesus laid down his policy and put people first. I phoned the caller back and they used the church - without me. Did I feel good? I wish I could say I did, but I didn't. Was it the right decision? Yes. It's a shame that learning is still a painful experience.

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