Saturday 29 November 2008

Go 'round

A few weeks ago I had an oblique encounter with God. Normally when I walk the dog we go straight across the recreation field and follow the footpath straight across the field then walk along the pavement past the church (spend a few minutes praying) then back home. But this particular day, I felt God say, 'go 'round the rec'. So I did, after all it wasn't going to hurt was it? Then we came to the field and I felt God say, 'don't walk straight across but go around the field'. So I did. Was I going mad or was this oblique message really from God? Not being direct is not really who I am but I felt it was a message.

When I got back home I had a rather angry person on the phone and we saw things from two very different angles. My natural inclination? Be direct! This morning, I took a long time talking to them, going around the situation and explaining my thoughts, going around (not directly to) my point of view.

I am finding that being very gentle with people - especially when they want me to do things I really can't - is the best way to be. It takes a lot longer and needs much more patience but so far walking around the fields and not through them has been a good lesson.

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