Saturday 29 November 2008

Go 'round

A few weeks ago I had an oblique encounter with God. Normally when I walk the dog we go straight across the recreation field and follow the footpath straight across the field then walk along the pavement past the church (spend a few minutes praying) then back home. But this particular day, I felt God say, 'go 'round the rec'. So I did, after all it wasn't going to hurt was it? Then we came to the field and I felt God say, 'don't walk straight across but go around the field'. So I did. Was I going mad or was this oblique message really from God? Not being direct is not really who I am but I felt it was a message.

When I got back home I had a rather angry person on the phone and we saw things from two very different angles. My natural inclination? Be direct! This morning, I took a long time talking to them, going around the situation and explaining my thoughts, going around (not directly to) my point of view.

I am finding that being very gentle with people - especially when they want me to do things I really can't - is the best way to be. It takes a lot longer and needs much more patience but so far walking around the fields and not through them has been a good lesson.

Monday 24 November 2008

It was my birthday today

Today was my birthday. This is my dog, Ruby. This is my birthday cake. In true Robert Robinson style, 'what's the connection?'

Well, as you can see I only have half a cake. The other half was enjoyed by Ruby (in secret in the kitchen whilst it was on the cooling rack). And for a full three points what's the theological connection? Answer - Advent. Ruby just couldn't wait!

Saturday 22 November 2008


So how am I finding my way as a new minster? Well, if you ask my wife, she'll tell you (probably) that I work too hard but then she'll also tell you that I'm thoroughly enjoying every second. I love the people I meet and I am starting to glimpse what God already knows and that is the great potential we all have to share the Good News and see people changed through their relationship with a risen Jesus.
But I have to admit that I'm feeling the pressure especially with college work. I think I've taken on a bit too much work. At the moment I am writing one assignment, doing the reading for the pioneer work in January and trying hard to get my dissertation proposal in as well as leading up to Christmas and trying to make every service special and with an added 'something special'. It's not a straight road by any means. Yet, all this is really not worth mentioning compared to what Paul suffered for the Gospel (see 2 Cor 11:23-28) and I can't help feeling that a bit of perspective is good. How is it going? Absolutely marvellous!

Thursday 20 November 2008

That woman again...

So, having preached about this woman who confronts Jesus and his mission, the next day I was similarly confronted. I received a 'phone call from a person who asked to use one of my churches. 'No problem' says I and I then begin to say when I can take the service. The caller stops me and explains that they want to take the service without me. I was a little taken aback and explained that I had a policy that I would conduct all such services in (my) church. This was a hard thing for this person to hear, especially when they were in a highly charged emotional state. I sympathised and suggested some other places they could call to have their service.
As I put the 'phone down, my wife looked at me and reminded me of the sermon I had preached (thank God for wives!) and that I had actually said that Jesus laid down his policy and put people first. I phoned the caller back and they used the church - without me. Did I feel good? I wish I could say I did, but I didn't. Was it the right decision? Yes. It's a shame that learning is still a painful experience.

Saturday 8 November 2008

Thank you

Cramped in that Funnelled Hole

Cramped in that funnelled hole, they watched the dawn
Open a jagged rim around; a yawn
Of death's jaws, which had all but swallowed them
Stuck in the bottom of his throat of phlegm.

They were in one of many mouths of Hell
Not seen of seers in visions, only felt
As teeth of traps; when bones and the dead are smelt
Under the mud where long ago they fell
Mixed with the sour sharp odour of the shell.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Come on in

Welcome to one of the warmest, friendliest places I know - my library. Herein reside the loveliest people - Alma, Wendy and Jude to name but a few - there are more! This library does more than issue books. It is physically warm and you always get a smile when you walk in. The staff provide a space for anyone to come in and enjoy the atmosphere. People turn up and are instantly adopted for the time they are there. In fact, they recently won a Kirklees award for customer excellence (no surprise). Their medal is on the window sill. Tomorrow I shall be there to drink in the atmosphere and the free coffee and tea they supply on Friday afternoons. It's a chance to sit and chat with friends - people you don't yet know - honest! I try to be there on Friday afternoons if I possibly can. See you there?