Wednesday 17 November 2010

Is there enough evidnece...? Part I

Can I just make one thing clear (please)?  Being evangelistic is not the same as being missional.  I had a conversation with someone recently and it was soon obvious that we were not talking the same language - more of this later.
However, these are just terms.  What is important is our relationship with God and how that is lived out, day to day.  When I was growing up and 'learning my trade' in a solid and very sound Baptist church in Bromley, a question was often posed to us teenagers: 'If you were arrested and stood trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?'
This little question has gone out of fashion now but it is still pertinent and perhaps is worthy of being resurrected. I think it is an important question because it goes to the heart of being missional and I don't think we have ever really come to terms with what it means to live out our lives as followers of The Way. If we had, we wouldn't be writing about what it means to be missional or arguing about the demise of the Church in the West.

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