Thursday 11 November 2010

Did he really say that ?

Yesterday saw protests directed against the government in London.  Photographs and news reports did not make good viewing.  This morning BBC TV broadcast an interview with Professor Martin Povey from University College Union who had participated in the demonstration against increasing tuition fees.  He said, 'the atmosphere was absolutely marvelous'.  I had to stop and take notice here.  He sounded like some World   War I general glorying in war although this is unfair in retrospect.  He then said, 'we need education.  We need a future.  I think some people got angry, and frankly understandably so when you see your life being taken away...'
I wonder if the families of dead soldiers would see paying for education as a life or death scenario. I wonder if the soldiers who have no arms or legs due to IEDs and terrorism would see the professor's comments the same way. Come on, Prof.  you're supposed to be the cream of the cream.  Start thinking of others like these soldiers did, eh.

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