Tuesday 9 November 2010

I'm back !!!

I thought that with all the changes that are happening it was time I got back to the blog to keep everyone updated.
The story so far...
well, I finished the Masters degree. The dissertation went down well (with some people and I'm sorry to all the Fresh Expressions people who might not have agreed with the research. If you want to know more, just ask me) and I've been asked to give some lectures and to publish some articles although time is a bit short. and I might not do that.
But more importantly, the circuit is moving on and things are changing fast - praise God! The trouble with change is that it is all well and good when it only affects others, 'yes! We need to change!!' The trouble is when it affects you personally :( However I am very pleased to announce that i will now be taking on pastoral charge of two more churches - Wooldale and Brockholes so now I have 5 churches which is much more like the Methodist norm.
I will update the changes when possible on the blog. As I want people to know where I will be preaching I will update the blog in a three monthly cycle. Hopefully the circuit will create its own website and this can revert to a conventional blog again, but until then...

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