Thursday 5 February 2009

I went on a structured retreat recently and we did this exercise. It was quite interesting and I ended up thinking hard on the result. You might like to give it a go. Find a quiet place away from everything for fifteen minutes and follow the instructions. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, please stop. Someone can read it to you or you can remember the steps, close your eyes and see what happens...

Imagine that there is a sculptor who is working on a statue of you behind the locked door. He gives you the key to the door so you can look at it. You unlock the door and the sculpture is in the middle of the room covered with a cloth. you walk up to it and take off the cloth. Step back and have a look at it. What's your first impression? Are you pleased/disatisfied? Study all the detail of it. What is it made from? How big is it? Walk around it and see it from different angles. Touch it. Is it rough or smooth? Which bits do you like and dislike?

Now become the statue. What does it feel like to be the statue? What kind of existence do you have as the statue?

Imagine that Jesus comes into the room. How does he look at you? What do you feel like when he is looking at you? What does he say to you? What do you say back to him? After a while he goes away. Now return to yourself. Look at the statue again. Is there any change in the statue? Is there any change in you or your feelings? Now say goodbye to your statue. Take a minute and open your eyes.

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