Saturday 3 January 2009

This is my local Anglican church and I love to worship here - sometimes. After all, I am a Methodist minister so 'sometimes' is OK. But I was walking past at Christmas and thought how nice it looked and I saw this sign outside. Actually, this sign is often out, inviting people in to spend time with God. But I did have to ask myself the question, 'why is God more in the building than outside?'. I took Ruby in (my errant dog) this week and prayed in the front pew. It was a good feeling, but I don't believe in a God who sometimes comes down and intervenes and sometimes doesn't. I believe in a God who is always there and I don't have to invoke him - just find him. So why do I think that in this Church I sometimes feel closer to God? Monks sometimes called these places where we feel closer to God as 'thin places' where the gap between heaven and earth was narrower than other places. What say you...?

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