Thursday 22 January 2009

Sorry it's been a while since I last posted but I have been a little poorly lately - and it's the first bout of illness I've had as a minister. In fact, it's the first bout of illness I've had for a long time. So what does a new minister do when they are ill? Do they phone up the night before the Covenant service and tell the Superintendent that they are ill? I suppose I could have done that, but I didn't think she would be too impressed and if I was going to cry off, then I should have done it earlier. But as I didn't, I thought I had better just get on with it. This was fine until half way through when it came to leading the service by saying the covenant...I felt very light-headed and faint. I was glad for the lectern which held me up quite nicely. I was also very glad of my communion steward who led me through communion and reminded me that I needed to kneel down to receive the bread and wine. I'm not sure how the service ended but I think it was OK. My problem is that I enjoy what I do so much. Coupled with the fact that it was the covenant service, meant that I was compelled to be there. After all it is a most wonderful service.
Am I indispensable? No. Do I feel that I have a responsibility to small congregations who are paying a lot of money toward my stipend? Unfortunately, yes. I'm on the mend now but not so sure that I'll do it differently next time...

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