Tuesday 3 March 2009


I'm now 6 months into being a Methodist minister and as usual at the end of each day I look back over it and reflect on how its gone. You know, what went well, what didn't etc. If I am thinking about a lot of things then I sometimes forget things, so reflection is always good. Well, last Sunday was the first in Lent and a communion service. Communion is very special and I always try to get it 'right' and try to strike a balance of propriety and excitement/reverence. It all went well and afterwards I thought that the right balance had been struck and everything was as it should have been. I conducted the service on my own but on reflection I felt I needed some help at the front next time. I went to the person who helped me last time (when I was ill) who was a great help and asked her if she would assist next time. Of course she said and smiled broadly. Then she asked me why I hadn't taken communion this morning...Doh!!! In my concern to get it right and serve everybody I had forgotten myself. 'Don't worry' she said, 'I don't suppose anyone noticed'. Nobody has mentioned it yet, but time will tell.


Sally said...

Thank you for this, I am being stationed as a probationer in September and the nerves are starting to jangle a bit! Glad to have found your blog.

Tim said...

Good to hear from you. I'm having a lot of fun and thoroughly recommend it. Keep in touch.