Thursday 31 March 2011

Quite Chubby!!

My wife has just informed me that my profile picture shows me as 'quite chubby'.  Hmm, well rest assured that I am on a diet and I don't look like this any more - honest. As you can see from my new picture here, you may struggle to recognise me were you to come across me in the street.
The diet is more of a Lenten semi-fast.  In my attempt to walk alongside Jesus on the approach to Easter in my very imperfect way I (I should say my wife, friend and I) have pledged to eat healthier meals.  In practice that means smaller meals and more headaches.  If fasting is supposed to transform us, all I can say is that I am sorry for my churches over Lent.  I am feeling either ravenously hungry and clock-watching for the next 'meal' or light-headed and not sure of what I am supposed to be doing.  I've not asked for any sermon feed-back of late.
I wonder if Jesus' friends failed to recognise him when he returned from the wilderness
(Matt chapter 4) -  perhaps like the two disciples on the Emmaus road who failed to recognise a transformed Jesus.  I'm looking forward to Easter Sunday as much as being transformed!
Chubby indeed!

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