Sunday 26 April 2009

Sunday School Anniversary

Just got back from the sunday school anniversary at Scholes. Despite my'poor little old me' of yesterday I had a great time today at church. It's amamzing how being with people who love God and who have a desire to follow him makes all the difference to a day.
Thanks to all those who made today so great...glad I didn't get on that train!

Saturday 25 April 2009

Oh well ... so much for twitter

This week has not been my best and I could do with jumping on this train and getting away for a couple of days. Still, at least I've started something different and I was looking forward to exploring twitter. However, I logged on today only to find my account suspended and don't know why. I'm at Scholes tomorrow morning for the sunday school anniversary, so it should be good. Can't wait. Not sure I'll bother with twitter though.

Wednesday 22 April 2009


I'm leading a mission shaped intro course next week for two circuits and the theme is networking and consumerism. Having looked and adapted the material I am relying on God to make this much more personal. So this morning I came across Twitter. I've got to say, I'm a bit bemused why anyone should want to know what my favourite football team is but it sweems that everyone wants to keep in touch with other people...even those they don't yet know. So, I decided to give it ago. It's easy to join up but my photo won't load yet. If you want to Twitter with me and have a laugh, my twitter address is Come on, give it a go!

Monday 20 April 2009

On Ash Wednesday I wondered whether Easter Sunday would ever arrive. Well, it did and now it's gone. Apparently yesterday was called 'Low Sunday' in the CofE. I'm not sure why, but it certainly felt flat. Easter was great. We did Tenebrae services in all three churches and even though one was in the day light, it worked well (I used a recording of a heart beat that slowed down to a stop which was quite powerful. I played the second half on Easter Sunday morning where the heart beat starts again If you'd like it, let me know and I'll send it. You can e mail me at On Easter Sunday I did a baptism which was a very special privilege...absolutely brilliant. There were lots of people there who weren't familiar with church and I preached on trying not to understand the resurrection scientifically, but open up and experience it instead.
But yesterday was a tough time for me. It felt like an anticlimax and I was quite tired. What do you do when you are knackered and required to lead people onto week 2 of the most amazing event in world history? I did my best and confessed to people over a cup of coffee afterwards that I was a bit out of sorts - nobody seemed to realise and the service went well anyway. Shows how much I know! But back to normailty now. A busy week with lots to do; must find time for God again.