Sunday 6 September 2009

This has been a bit of a week for remembering. First there was Sept 1st - the outbreak of WWII. Then there was September 3rd, when the allies declared war on Germany. September 2nd was when I made my first career choice - that was in 1985, not 1939 by the way and September 7th 2008 was when I took my first service as a probationer minister in the Holmfirth circuit. So you can see it's been quite a jolt for my 'holiday' brain which is having trouble coming back to reality after a few weeks of R&R. This last year has given me lots to think about and right now God is talking to me about my relationship with him, especially about prayer and my expectations.
I began to think about all the new people who have just started ministry and was wondering how yesterday went with the first service. I expect it was a good feeling and that they probably got something 'wrong'. Communion seems to be my biggest pitfall because when I follow the book I seem to forget something. In the past I have forgotten to take communion myself. Yesterday at the joint Methodist/Anglican Covenant service I served the other three servers with the bread then forgot to give them the wine. I hurriedly tried to make it look like I had planned it that way, but the truth is out! I made (another) mistake. At the end of the service a good friend hurriedly approached me. I thought I knew what was coming and was about to be very honest. 'You've forgotten the offering' she gently told me. Doh!!!
This has been a good year. War has not broken out or even been declared. The congregations have been very generous with their probationer minister for which I am truly grateful. I pray that those starting in new ministries will find the forgiveness and support that I have in the past twelve months and that yesterday was a great day.